The Debate Club is an enrichment club that focuses on building its members’ debate skills through discussions of various topics during their meetings.
The club was founded by Joel Shin (10) at the beginning of this school year to teach his peers social and debate skills.
Shin runs the club alongside his co-president Mathew Balona (10), their treasurer Ismail Karaca (10), their secretary Sanna Rishi and their vice presidents Diba Behbudi (10) and Harris Yusuf (10).
Their club also has other roles, such as social media managers and debate leaders. Sarina Zafra (10) and Caethun Bravo (10) both lead discussions during the meetings. Jacqueline Torres (10) and Camila Vazquez (10) run the club’s Instagram account, making posts to introduce their officers and promote the club.
Joel says, “Our club’s purpose is to have a fun time with people, meet new people, and to expand your social skills.”
Their club is open to all students, no matter how good they are at debating.
Joel adds, “We also are just a place to stay, and hear what people have to say about the various topics.”
Shin says, “I plan to try to grow it over the years, and also to expand the members. When I started it, I just wanted it to be a small club to hang out with friends.”
Next year, Joel plans to improve different aspects of the club, often asking club members for feedback.
Yusuf says, “I think it’s a club full of exuberant young minds poised for a future in law by strengthening their argumentative skills.”
Rishi says, “Debate club is fun. It gives me a chance to debate people who I usually don’t get to debate with. The topics are interesting and it adds some fun to my Fridays.”
The club debates a wide range of topics, such as “Is war ever justified?” and “Should the government focus more on rights or economic issues?” While also debating more fun topics, such as “Is music better now or in the past?” and “Should they ban Tiktok?”
Debate club holds meetings every other Friday during lunch, in Mrs. Roche’s room: S201.