Students have chosen new classes for next year and are being scheduled into the library to review with their counselors.
Freshmans, Sophomores and Juniors were supposed to go to Aeries and update their academic plan or their four-year plan up until Jan. 31. By doing so, it would automatically input their course request for next school year.
Students are scheduled in the library for Wolverine + to meet with their counselors to go over their requests and make changes if needed, such as confirming chosen electives or whether or not they want the classes their teachers recommended. This began Feb. 19 starting with the junior classes and this process is by last name. It ends with the freshman on March 21.
It helps students make sure they are on track for graduation requirements such as completing all the A-G requirements and having enough credits. Even completing specialized classes for future college majors or honors or Advanced Placement classes. They talked to students about their plan for whether it’s to go to a four-year, community college, trade school or military.
Ethan Coronado (11) says, “ I thought it was very informational. It made me realize I have to plan more and I realized I don’t have as much time as I thought.”
It is important for students to update their academic plan every year, so they can get the classes they want for next year. By signing up early, students have a wider range of classes to pick from, including high demand classes that fill up quickly. If students are looking to take a zero period, it is better to apply for them early due to its high demand and competitiveness.
Mrs. Buechler adds, “We open them up every year for a certain amount of time for students to update them, but if they do not they are considered late registration for the following year and will be put at the end of the line for competitive classes like Culinary and Auto Mechanics.”
Ozi Leibovitz (10) says, “It helped me figure out what classes I should be taking and start planning ahead for college.”