Aliso Niguel’s spring semester Club Rush was held during lunch on Wednesday, Jan. 29. It featured a wide variety of clubs, some returning and others new.
Sanaa Arishi (10) says, “Club Rush was really great. It’s really cool to see such a diverse amount of clubs at our school.”
As secretary of the ANHS Debate Club, Arishi supported her club during Club Rush.
Arishi states, “I stood at the table for some time, and also when I was walking around I did some advertising, I went up to everyone I knew and said, ‘Join ANHS Debate Club.’”
The ANHS Debate Club debates various topics recommended by their club members. The Club President is Joel Shin (10), Co-President Matthew Balana (10), Vice Diba Behbudi (10), Secretary Sanaa Rishi (10), Treasurer Ismail Karaca (10).
Other clubs at Club Rush included the Support Circle, a club dedicated to creating a space of both acceptance and learning by introducing their members to different aspects of mental health. Their president is Madison Austin (12), their Vice President is Malania Kvek (12), their Treasurer is Emily Klein (11) and their Secretary is Danika Kvek (12).
Another club was the Film Appreciation Club, which is run by President Nima Etemadi (10), Vice President Jacob Antonio (10), Treasurer Jaxson Cope (10), and Secretary Luke Miller (10). In this club, they explore the top movies of the past century, highlighting the most important scenes and discussing the significance of them.
When asked about her Club Rush experience, Shaya Khosravi (10) says, “I actually really like going to Club Rush because it’s interesting to see people expressing their interests for things and bringing people of similar interests together”
Khosravi also adds, “There are some really nice clubs out there that do good things for people and it makes me happy knowing there’s a way to unite.”
Khosravi also critiques Club Rush, saying, “I just wish that maybe there was a larger area. It’s really cramped, especially during the Club rush at the beginning of the school year, making it harder to navigate.”
The stands for the clubs begin near the flagpole and stretch until the end of the gym doors. Khosravi makes a point, with the vast amount of clubs at ANHS it can get a little cramped, with people crowding around different stands.
Another club at Club Rush was Mock Trial, where they help to grow members’ understanding of U.S. law and improve their critical thinking skills. Their president is Alanni Rogers (11), vice president Rachael Ryan (11), treasurer Camila Abarca (11), and their secretary is Gabby Tamraz (11).
Overall, the second Club Rush of the school year was packed with students and showcased a wide variety of clubs.