Though the tradition itself is relatively new, Spring Break is a common feature of college and high school life for many American students.
While many students use their week-long March/April vacation to relax and recharge, others use the opportunity to travel to exotic locations. Although spring break traditions vary based on school and region, the experience itself has become a symbol of modern American school life.
At Aliso Niguel High School, students are given three different breaks throughout the year. These include Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break, and Spring Break.
Breaks such as these are given usually in specific increments of time, ranging from one week to two. However, there have been controversies around whether Spring Break should differ from these normalities because of its place in the year and be a longer break.
The concept of Spring Break began in 1938 with a swim forum event in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. By around 1960, however, students began to come to the town in great numbers, and local businesses took advantage of this.
Eventually, the town gained the nickname “Ft. Liquordale” and became the primary destination for students interested in partying during Spring Break for years to come.
As the crowds became larger year after year, they also became more difficult to control. By 1985 more than 370,000 students were traveling to Ft. Lauderdale to enjoy their breaks.
However, rowdy behavior led to at least 2,500 student arrests that year, and the events surrounding Spring Break were finally shut down by local officials. Drinking on the beaches was prohibited, and students were informed that they were no longer welcome in the city.
Despite its troubling past, the concept behind Spring Break has improved greatly over the years and has become a more relaxing and fun idea for students rather than a cry for disaster.
However, one thing remains true and that is that traveling blooms around this specific time in March/April because of students. For many, Spring Break is a getaway. For others, it could be stressful.
Spring Break is towards the end of the year for all students and is the last real break before the summer season. Many students by this time feel unmotivated or in a rush to finish school. Others may take this break as an opportunity to strive for greatness.
Eli Gunn (12) agrees that the amount of time given for the break is just enough and says, “I think the current time of break is good, for me, it’s just long enough for a break but doesn’t make me too behind from academic work.”
Another student, Rei (11) believes Spring Break should be longer. She says, “I think Spring Break should be longer because I see it more like a pre-summer, and it gives us more time to enjoy the good mix in weather, being not too hot or cold. In my opinion, I don’t think we need Thanksgiving break so much as Spring Break.”
These students’ opinions create more diversity in the debate among the formalities of Spring Break, and let light in on the topic to be discussed.