The Brave Club, an initiative inspired by the Joyful Child Foundation, and run by President Yasmin Marouf (12), and Vice President Nika Marouf (12), is a dedicated community of individuals determined to prevent child abuse, violence, and bullying.
Founded by Erin Runnion in memory of her daughter Samantha Runnion, who tragically lost her life in 2002, the club aims to equip children and teenagers with the necessary tools to become confident and resilient in the face of adversity. By focusing on bullying in schools and fostering a culture of active intervention, the Brave Club empowers its members to stand up for what is right and ensure the well-being of their peers.
When the club’s secretary, Asal Floudius (12), was asked how she promotes the prevention of child abuse and violence within her community, she responded, “I actively promote the prevention of child abuse by always being watchful and informing everyone around me to be on guard because no one can be fully trusted.”
The central mission of the Brave Club is the prevention of child abuse and violence. Members actively engage in initiatives and campaigns designed to raise awareness about these issues within their communities.
By educating others and advocating for the safety and security of children, the club ensures that the memory of Samantha Runnion lives on through positive change. Through workshops, events, and collaborations with other organizations, the Brave Club creates a supportive network that encourages open dialogue and the sharing of resources to combat child abuse and violence.
The Brave Club recognizes the importance of providing children and teenagers with the tools they need to navigate the challenges they may encounter. By fostering a sense of confidence and strength, members are better prepared to face adversity head-on.
Mariam Taheri (12), the club’s treasurer, claims, “The strongest way for kids and teens to go against the bullying and violence within their lives is to take themselves away from that situation. However, in some cases where that is not a possibility, most kids have their phone on them which allows them to call or run to the nearest person for support.”
The club offers workshops and training sessions focusing on building self-esteem, assertiveness, and effective communication. By empowering young individuals, the Brave Club ensures that they develop the resilience necessary to withstand bullying and other forms of mistreatment.
One of the primary objectives of the Brave Club is to address the issue of bullying in schools. By concentrating their efforts in this area, members work towards creating a safe and inclusive environment for all students.
The club actively encourages a culture of empathy and understanding through awareness campaigns, peer support programs, and educational initiatives. By teaching young people to recognize the signs of bullying and providing them with strategies to intervene, the Brave Club enables them to become active agents of change within their school communities.
The Brave Club places particular emphasis on preventing bystander apathy. Often, individuals witnessing acts of bullying or injustice may feel powerless or hesitant to intervene. However, the club believes that each person can make a difference.
By fostering a sense of responsibility and encouraging active intervention, the Brave Club strives to create a society where bystanders become allies, standing up for what is right and ensuring the safety and well-being of their peers. As they stand united, the Brave Club displays the true meaning of courage and serves as a beacon of hope for a better, kinder future.