On Sept. 1, after the first home football game of the year, students riled to the local In & Out, located off of La Paz in the city of Laguna Niguel, to celebrate the win, unbeknownst to what was about to occur later that night.
Around 9 p.m. chaos broke loose when around 200 students showed up to the In & out location and a fight occurred.
Sophomore, Emma Jimenez shared her experience, “All of a sudden In & Out called the cops because of how packed it was and there was a fight with these two random guys, and the cops threatened to take these other kids’ e-bikes, it was just a chaotic experience.”
Outside of In and Out more and more students began showing up without going inside or even ordering.
The amount of students became a hazard as they were blocking not only the street’s access, but also the parking lots and the vehicles being held there.
Aidan Marquez, a Senior at Aliso said, “My friends and I were waiting in line and some of the employees came around and closed the doors on kids that were waiting and completely locked them out.”
When discussing further with students they could not recall exact details leading up to the fight between two students, and it is undetermined the cause of the fight.
When the police arrived at the scene many worried about what may happen to them, which caused another wave of panic. Students began running out of the restaurant, pushing and shoving each other in a fear.
Neekon Akhavanhaidary, another sophomore that experienced the chaos shared, “People were chucking drinks and milkshakes at cars coming out of the drive thru and the cops got really angry and kicked them out of the area.”
When trying to get in contact with the management at the In & Out they could not get back, so it is unknown what was happening on their end.
The management at In & Out expressed much anxiety during the event which led to them yelling at those who were just enjoying their meals, as they were worried that the chaos would increase.
The scare of the first games aftermath at the In & Out led to the most recent neon out, which took place on Sept. 8, to have a decrease in the amount of people that showed up to the restaurant.
Students have now moved locations from this In & Out to other local restaurants, meaning the issues faced by the Laguna In & Out will most likely not occur for awhile or ever again.