College Application Tips
A new school year is approaching and it’s time for seniors to start thinking about what they plan to do for writing their college applications. It’s important to spend a good amount of time and thought on this application because it is what you will be showing to your colleges of choice!
There are many ways to personalize your college application and it is important to follow certain factors that will allow your application to stick out to colleges. Often colleges look for the most diligent and unique students but many fail to forget the other factors of what college’s look into.
Bea Nguyen, CUSD and Aliso Niguel’s College and Career counselor suggests that even before you begin writing your college application, it is extremely important to personalize your college list so that it aligns with the values and academic factors that you want. It is almost important to consider the college that is in your best interest financially. 34% of young adults are unable to go to their college of choice because they are unable to afford it. While it is important to get accepted into your dream school, it is also another thing to be able to afford it!
Ms. Nguyen also adds that it is extremely important to focus on your personal statements or essays. The personal essay is an illuminating factor in your college application as it is one of the last things that will allow you to stand out to colleges. College essays reveal who you are as a person and give colleges a window into your life and personality.
While it is important to list every extracurricular activity that you have done throughout your high school career, many students forget that they must be thorough. Many students skim over the details of their extracurriculars and often, that leads to colleges not taking them into account. Drafting descriptions of the extracurriculars will help with organizing your thoughts and being detailed. It is important to write down the impact of each extracurricular activity because colleges especially look for activities that shape you as a person!
And of course, know your deadlines! The last thing you want to experience is cramming your college application and having it turn out not how you wanted it to be. Set aside time for yourself that will allow you to spend thorough and thoughtful time on your college application.
This time of year is stressful but if you prioritize your time correctly and remember to proofread through it, the process will become a lot easier!

Kaila is a Junior at Aliso Niguel Highschool that is ready to take on challenges and get ready for this year's Growling Wolverine. Kaila is optimistic...