Cobra Kai Season 5 Review
On Friday Sep. 9, 2022 Netflix released the fifth season of the kicker show, Cobra Kai. Fans have very conflicting opinions on the new season and how it affects the future of the series.
Most fans think this season was the best yet. So far, season five of Cobra Kai has a 94 percent audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. It has been over two weeks since the release of the new season, and it still holds the number one spot on Netflix’s top 10. The previous season ended dramatically leaving fans with many questions and theories. Season five exceeded their expectations with all the new drama, action, and jokes.
The new season of Cobra Kai reveals many hidden messages behind the dojos and characters.
Aundre Florintino (10) says that the main message this season has shown its watchers is that “when you truly believe in something you will fight for it, always.”
This season is also about giving people second chances and putting hatred and differences aside for the greater good. During season 5, bonds are broken and reformed. Existing bonds also become stronger due to the intense circumstances the characters are forced to be in.
Some people could argue that Cobra Kai season 5 was not what they were expecting. People say they did not like how much the show has veered off from the original Karate Kid movies, but die hard fans would disagree.
Sophomore, Paige Bergman, says that the show is “too dragged out now, but the character cameos add more to the plot.”
The original movies were about Daniel Larusso, played by Ralph Matchio, growing up in a new town and discovering his love for karate and the culture that came with it. The series showcases modern day society and kids discovering their love for karate because of Larusso and an ongoing battle between Larusso’s childhood rival Johnny Lawrence. The movies aged extremely well, and we would have expected the show to as well, but now watchers are not so sure.
Many fans are left wondering, will this be the last season of Cobra Kai? According to Jon Hurwitz, co-showrunner, the “Miyagiverse is far from finished,” implying we can expect much more from the Cobra Kai series.
After the end of season five fans are left jaw dropped and the intense cliffhanger. They are already speculating how long they will have to wait until they get another season. We can infer that it will be some time next fall due to the fact that all of the other seasons have been released about a year apart. Fans have many unanswered questions and the theories have already begun speculating. Some think that the ending did not leave much room for the series to continue, so they are left wondering, will season six be the end of Netflix series Cobra Kai?
If you are thinking about beginning to watch the Netflix series, Cobra Kai, I can not recommend it enough. The series is remarkable and well worth the watch.

Paige is going into her senior year and third year with the Growling Wolverine. In her freetime, you can find her reading, drinking coke, or doing Colorguard....
james • Oct 18, 2023 at 1:05 am
Amazing !