Wolverine +

This year the administration decided to get rid of tutorial for students and introduce a new program titled Wolverine +, the name was voted on by students last year. Most commonly, freshmen are the ones who are most lost during tutorial time, but now every student is left to try and understand how the new system works. It began on Aug. 19, right after second period.
For a few weeks, students will be assigned an eighth period class on their schedule that sends them to a certain teacher with students in the same grade level, this will be known as Advisory. This teacher is set to remind students how the new system works and the changes that will come throughout the school year. Although this may change, Ayla Scott (11) says “I don’t like that we couldn’t work on homework if we had it.”
Similar to Ayla, many students are not very happy with this new addition that replaced tutorial. Many do not understand why tutorial was taken away, because students felt used to the way it worked and are not appreciative of having to stress over something new. But in some classes the teachers are opening up time for their class to do homework assignments, after all the assigned work is done.
Wolverine + occurs either right after first or second period and continues on for 30 minutes. This past week, students were adjusting to the new system and in two weeks an app will open up that will allow students to sign up for certain classes. One can sign up for a class that they need help in or a relaxing space for homework time.
After six weeks of this app being implemented, teachers will be able to vote on whether or not they want to keep it. Many students have said that their teachers are not liking the new system as much as administration might have thought they would. On Aug. 19, a back to school video was shown to each class telling them all about the new year, other information will be spread throughout the next few classes.
Wolverine + is somewhat of a homeroom type of class that allows for students to ask for help or just work on homework. But, the administration wants it to run smoothly and not just be a social hour for many students. Tutorial last year got quite chaotic with students going to the wrong classrooms or being late, which is why the school most likely wanted to change it up.
Ridhima Adhikari (11) sees no difference between tutorial and Wolverine + since “to be honest it is just tutorial with a different name”. For many students it is not that much of a change but once the new app gets introduced, there most definitely will be some confusion and technical difficulties with the lack of internet in Aliso Niguel. It is going to be interesting to see how the school atmosphere will change or if tutorial will make a return.

Madelyn is currently a junior at Aliso Niguel High School and this is her second year on the newspaper. She enjoys practicing and competing with the school’s...