Advice for Upperclassmen
As the end of the 2021-2022 school year quickly approaches, upperclassmen at Aliso Niguel are preparing for their future. Soon, the seniors will be traveling all over the state, country, or even out of the country to begin a new chapter in their lives. Juniors will be becoming seniors and be one step closer to graduation.
Aliso Niguel staff, including teachers and guidance counselors, want to advise the seniors moving forward, and the juniors getting closer to ending their high school careers.
Mrs. Brennan, a guidance counselor, wanted to give her advice based on experience. To the students that are planning to go to a four-year college she said, “[You should] make sure that you are visiting the campus, even before you commit. Make sure you see yourself in that space and town.”
She also explained that seniors should make sure there is a “good culture and environment” on campus. Once what college you are attending is decided, you should, “make sure to spend as much time as you can with family and friends because you may not see them until Christmas.”
She ended her advice for seniors attending a four-year college by saying to go “in with an open mind and positive mindset. Feel very proud of the accomplishment…It’s a big thing and you should soak it all in because it is the next chapter in your life.” In regards to seniors attending a junior college, she advised them to stay focused on the end goal.
To juniors, she recommended using this summer to apply to college. She said, “Work on taking stress off your senior year…because once the school year starts you will be so focused on school work and academics. Have fun this summer, but also plan ahead!”
Guidance counselor Mrs. Berg said, “My advice to seniors going into college would be to take it all in, be involved in your major, and what you want to be a part of in this world. Just get really involved, and enjoy the campus you are on.”
In regards to juniors moving on to senior year she explained, “it’s your last year so stay strong. Push through even though you may be tired of school. We want to make sure we finish strong and pass through the finish line. So do your best, that’s all we can ask for really.”
Señora Sepe, a Spanish teacher, and leader of Link Crew, also wanted to give her recommendations to both seniors and juniors. To seniors going to college, she agreed with Mrs. Berg’s sentiment to get involved.
Señora Sepe said that getting involved “…was a big changer for me. It makes all the difference in the world. Join a club, or intramural sport because in college that’s where you will find your people. You’re going to find people who have the same interest as you even if you couldn’t find them in high school.”
For juniors, she really recommends going to senior prom, especially if you haven’t gone to any dances. She suggested making a bucket list of the things you want to accomplish. She explained, “you want to make good memories.”
No matter what course seniors are choosing to take in life, all the Aliso Niguel Staff have faith that they will do well. Congratulations to the class of 2022 for their accomplishments, and good luck to the class of 2023 for senior year!

Mia Roman is a senior at Aliso Niguel High School. This is Mia's third year on the Newspaper Staff. In her spare time, Mia enjoys listening to music and...