AP Exam Dates
Close up of high school or university student holding a pen writing on answer sheet paper in the examination room. College students answering multiple choice questions test in the testing room in university.
Advanced Placement (AP) exams are fast approaching as AP classes begin reviewing the materials and finishing their course lessons. AP exams will take place in person and at Aliso Niguel High School. There will be no online options for the AP classes offered at Aliso Niguel. The exams will be held in the weeks of May 2-6 and May 9-13, with the exception of United States History.
Testing hours are split in two. The morning exam will begin at 8 a.m. and the afternoon exam will start at 12 p.m.
Monday, May 2: AP Government exam occurs in the morning. Chemistry and Spanish Literature (Spanish 5) exams will be in the afternoon.
Tuesday, May 3: Environmental Science exam will be in the morning and Psychology in the afternoon.
Wednesday, May 4: English Literature exam will be in the morning and Computer Science A in the afternoon.
Thursday, May 5: Statistics exam will take place in the afternoon.
Friday, May 6: European History exam will take place in the morning and Art History will take place in the afternoon. United States History has been moved to a different day. This day is also the last day students can submit their art portfolio before 8 p.m. Eastern Time.
Monday, May 9: Calculus AB and Calculus BC exams will take place in the morning. Computer Science Principles will take place in the afternoon.
Tuesday, May 10: English Language and Composition exam will be in the morning. Physics C: Mechanics will begin in the afternoon. Physics C students will also take the Electricity and Magnetism exam which begins at 2 p.m.
Wednesday, May 11: Spanish Language and Culture (Spanish 4) exam will take place in the morning. The Biology exam will take place in the afternoon.
Thursday, May 12: French Language and Culture exam will take place in the morning. Physics 1 exam will take place in the afternoon.
On Wednesday, May 18, the United States History exam will take place in the morning.
The College Board website has more details about what materials to bring and rules regarding test-taking. Additionally, teachers will provide each class with information on what to do on test day and which rooms to go to to take the test. Students will be excused from their classes when taking the test, and parents can call the attendance office to be excused from classes before and after the test.
It is best to start studying early since there is a lot of material to cover. College Board classrooms have plenty of videos and practice tests to use to prepare.
Good luck to everyone taking an AP exam!

Kiara is a senior at Aliso Niguel High School and this is her third year writing for the Growling Wolverine. She is excited to be part of the school newspaper...