Celebrating Women’s History Month
As Women’s History Month, March is an important month to recognize and celebrate all the accomplishments of women throughout history.
International Women’s Day is March 8, a global holiday to commemorate all of the social, political, and cultural accomplishments of women. This year, the United Nations Women make a stand under the theme, “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow.”
The Nation Women’s History Alliance has deemed the theme for the 2022 Women’s History Month to be “Women Provide Healing, Promoting Hope.” The theme is said to tie into the efforts for women as caregivers and on the frontlines during the pandemic as well as their ongoing contributions of hope and healing throughout history.
This month, it is important to look back and celebrate how far women have come in their fight against oppression; as well as acknowledge the progress yet to be made.
Today, women and girls across the world still struggle with gender-based violence, access to education, gender pay gaps, reproductive health and rights, and access to water and sanitation. According to Model UN Women’s article, “What does gender equality look like today?”, roughly 435 million women and girls are living in conditions of extreme poverty. Additionally, due to COVID-19, half of the refugee girls in schools before COVID-19 will not return to schools after the pandemic is over.
Yet, this all the more reason to stand up for women’s equality this month. Locally, Pacifica Institute is hosting a fundraiser in honor of Afghan Women and all the proceeds will go to higher education support for girls in Afghanistan. The event will take place on Sunday March 20 at the Pacifica Institute from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
However, it is equally important to commemorate the inspiring accomplishments of women in the past who have paved the way for women’s equality today. There is no shortage in women who have changed our world for the better: Queen Elizabeth I, Jane Austen, Marie Curie, Harriet Tubman, Frida Kahlo, Emmeline Pankhurst, Sojourner Truth, Rosa Parks, Ruth Bater Ginsburg, Maya Angelou, Malala Yousafzai and countless others. Their combined efforts have made life changing advancements in technology, sciences, literature, politics, and social justice.
Here on campus at Aliso Niguel, there are dozens of women in our teachers and staff that act as incredible mentors and leaders to the future generation of young women. AP European history and economics teacher Dr. de Diego y Morres emphasizes, “it’s important to remember as women that you can do anything you set your mind to… and you have a unique strength in where you’ve come from and whose shoulders you are building off of.”
Similarly, chemistry teacher Mrs. Zhou opens up about how as a woman in STEM, “you see less people that are women around as you’re going through all the levels of academia.” However, she follows up that all around women are making groundbreaking accomplishments in science, sharing that the 2020 CRISPR Nobel Prize “was big news because the two people who won it were both women [Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna] for the first time ever.”
Additionally, female students here at ANHS have the ability to spread their own influence as young women. Clubs like Girls Who Code and Laura’s House as well as all of the female sports offer outlets for girls to express themselves and make their voices heard.
Most importantly, during Women’s History Month, take the time to celebrate the women in your own life and thank them for all that they do. To the young girls, remember to stand tall, be loud, take up space and inspire other women to do the same.

Jordan is a senior at Aliso Niguel and finishing out her third year at the Growling Wolverine as a Senior Editor. She enjoys creating writing in addition...