Paper Tutoring Available For Students
Paper, a free online tutoring service, is available for all Capistrano Unified School District students. For the 2021-2022 school year, CUSD has paid for Paper so students can use the online service for free. Students can access Paper 24/7 for homework aid and prepare for upcoming tests.
“Paper tutors have been specially trained to conduct expert, academic support in a secure, chat-based platform. With a commitment to helping students learn, they’ll never give students answers, but rather interact with them in an encouraging tone to lead them forward,” stated the ANHS Guidance Newsletter.
There are experts online to provide one-on-one help in over 200 subjects.
Students must go through Clever and click on Paper to log in or sign up. Paper opens up to the student’s dashboard where they can see their classes listed. They can easily ask a tutor for help by clicking on the specific class they need help in.
There is a chat option where students can ask questions and wait for a tutor to answer, and an essay review option.
The live chat connects students to a tutor in under a minute. However, it is best to access Paper at a reasonable time to prevent time differences and language barriers. Students can either upload a photo of their question or type it out. Using the whiteboard, tutors can write out the problem and give step-by-step instructions. Once a session is over, the chat is saved under “History,” so students can look back at the chat at any time.
Paper also provides essay review. Students can upload their writing and receive feedback on structure, grammar, and style. They can provide additional requests to the tutors on what the students are specifically looking for regarding corrections. Students should receive feedback on the same day or the following day.
Paper stated on their website that their “ELA specialists provide detailed and user-friendly annotations with grade-appropriate feedback.”
Students also have unlimited access to the essay review.
The Growling Wolverine did their own test with Paper, submitting their articles for review. Results for the articles came back around a day or two.
Madisen Rollins (12) found the advice from the essay review to be very helpful. However, before getting the results, she did have concerns about what type of reviews she would receive from the tutors, and whether they would be good.
“I have heard that some people have not had good luck when asking for advice on their papers,” she said.
Overall, many students thought Paper was useful to review their articles; most mentioning that the tutors were very kind and polite. The tutors gave the students positive feedback. Majority recommended using Paper for future use in newspaper or other writing,
“I think the review of one of my articles was very helpful as they not only gave me useful recommendations on formatting and grammar, but also provided me with resources I can use when writing in the future,” said Ashley Aguirre (11).
“I think it was helpful to have someone with more experience with writing to look over it and offer perspective on things I might have missed,” stated Jordan Gallo (10).
Armando Rodriguez mentioned how depending on which tutor reviews the paper, the outcome can be different. He recommended submitting multiple times.
“Some comments from one article were good and brought out good ideas and overall made my article flow much better, and that editor seemed to be super good with anything writing related. The other only pointed out basic errors and overall some of the comments were not really helpful,” said Armando Rodriguez (12).

Kiara is a senior at Aliso Niguel High School and this is her third year writing for the Growling Wolverine. She is excited to be part of the school newspaper...