AP Student’s Opinions
The beginning of the school year is always a stressful time for many students, specifically for AP students.
AP, which stands for Advanced Placement, are higher-level classes that are similar to college courses. Depending on the AP course, students can earn college credit prior to graduation by earning a high grade on the AP exam taken at the end of the second semester.
The first six weeks of school, from Aug. 17th to Sep. 24th, students are offered the option to drop AP classes if they no longer want to take them. The classes are designed to be at a college level pace, which tends to be daunting to many teenagers.
Several juniors, seniors, and quite a few sophomores and freshmen take AP courses at Aliso Niguel.There are currently 20 AP classes offered at ANHS, putting ANHS in the the top 25% of California schools in AP subjects offered.
With very few AP classes offered Freshman year, very bold freshmen take AP Biology, taught by Mrs. Bhaskar. “Only two freshmen take the course this school year” explains Avery Hwang (11), “it has not been too difficult so far. Mrs. Bhaskar is a great teacher and makes sure we can all understand the material”.
Sophomores have the option of taking AP Chemistry and/or AP European History. Like AP biology, AP chemistry is offered to juniors and seniors as well. AP Chemistry is taught by Mrs. Roche. AP European History is offered to sophomores only and is taught by Mr. Bornfeld and Dr. Diego.
A large portion of junior and senior students join AP classes as well, whether it’s just one or quite a few.
Lauren Cinemac (11) explains “I am taking AP American History, AP Environmental Science and AP Lang. I spend around 4-5 hours a day, 16-25 hours a week I’d say on homework”. Since AP classes are set at a college level, they are known for involving strenuous, stimulus, and rhetorical thinking concepts.
Evan Kramer (11) says “I’m taking AP physics and AP American History”. He goes further on to explain “I enjoy both because I have Mrs. Reilly and Mr. Mosier who are both great and keep the classes interesting”.
It is quite common to see seniors also partake in AP classes to earn college credits before graduation.
Mario Mojica (12) says “Junior year I took AP Spanish 4 and this year I took AP Spanish 5”. Mario explains “They are a lot but it’s more interactive than regular level. I chose to take the classes to get my Seal of Biliteracy”. Students can get their Seal of Biliteracy after passing four years of language as well as an English test.
Sofia Ramirez (12) exclaims “I’m taking AP Spanish 5 and AP Psychology. I want to learn more about Spanish literature because my family is from Spain. I’m taking AP Psych because I want to go into psychology in college and be a psychologist”. Similarly to Ramirez, students tend to take AP classes that are interesting to them or will aid them for future college degrees.
Taking AP classes opens up opportunities in the future for students. They require hard work, responsibility and a strong mentality, but it all pays off when it’s time to apply for college, and especially when students can enter college with college credit from AP exams already under their belt.

Grace Balducci is a senior at Aliso Niguel. She enjoys reading, baking, and going to the beach with friends and family. She looks forward to getting to...