Club Rush Around The Corner

With the entirety of the clubs running online last year, students are excited to start their clubs in-person again. The upcoming Aliso Club Rush, taking place on Sept. 17, 2021, is a great kickoff to the 2021-2022 club season.

The upcoming Aliso Niguel Club Rush, taking place on September 17, 2021, is a great kickoff to the 2021-2022 clubs. This year’s Club Rush features the entire range of academic, extracurricular, and service clubs. According to Natalie Poe (11), one of the club commissioners, “there will be almost 70 clubs this year.” Examples of some renewing clubs are Key Club, Eco Freakos and Model United Nations. There are several new additions as well. 

During Club Rush, club officers will set up their clubs’ posters during lunch, either at the senior tables or in front of the school. Students can visit these booths and sign up for any number of clubs they are interested in. Generally, most clubs will have a signup sheet, where prospective members can enter information, such as their email and phone number, to be contacted later.

Most clubs meet at least once a month in a teacher’s room, either during lunch or after school. In the ensuing weeks after Club Rush, students who signed up for clubs will be contacted by officers and given further details on meeting information. 

Joining clubs gives students a chance to get involved in school, while meeting other students with similar interests. Clubs generally take place at least once a month after school or during lunch, and are a great way for one to pursue their interests and make a difference in the community.